What is TLS and How TLS Works?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communication over a computer network. It is widely used for securing communications between web browsers and servers, ensuring that data exchanged remains private and integral. What is TLS? How TLS Works 1. Handshake Process The TLS handshake is the process that initiates a…

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WordPress Maintenance Mode and How to Activate Maintenance Mode

What is WordPress Maintenance Mode? WordPress Maintenance Mode is a feature that allows you to display a special message or page to visitors while your website is undergoing updates, changes, or maintenance. This mode ensures that users are informed about the temporary unavailability of the site without encountering broken pages or error messages. Purpose of…

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How to install WordPress in DirectAdmin

What is DirectAdmin DirectAdmin is a web-based control panel used for managing web hosting services on servers. It is designed to make the management of websites, email accounts, databases, and other hosting features user-friendly and accessible through a graphical interface. Here are some key features and benefits of DirectAdmin Key Features How to install WordPress…

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What is the Error Connection Timed out Error and Steps to Troubleshoot and Fix the Error

What is the Error Connection Timed out Error? The ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error is a common issue encountered when trying to access a website through a web browser. This error indicates that the browser was unable to establish a connection to the website’s server within a specific time frame. Essentially, the browser sent a request to the…

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WordPress Session Expired Issue – How to Resolve it

What is WordPress WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and manage websites and blogs. It’s open-source software, meaning it’s free to use and can be modified and extended by anyone. Here are some key points about WordPress: What Causes A WordPress Session Expired Issue? A “WordPress session expired”…

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How to fix the Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs

What is “The site ahead contains harmful programs” error? The “The site ahead contains harmful programs” error is a warning message displayed by web browsers like Google Chrome when they detect potentially harmful or malicious content on a website. This warning is part of Google’s Safe Browsing technology, which helps protect users from phishing scams,…

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